Friday, April 13, 2012

Things Girls Should Know

1. If you're going to wear clothes that show off "what you got" don't bother expecting respect. The only guys that are going to like you are guys that enjoy looking at that. You want attention, yeah, but not that attention. Modest is hottest. You think you want attention, but you don't. So if you want a guy that only wants you because of what you're showing off go ahead, continue what you're doing by all means. OR! If you want a guy who likes you for your personality, the way you look at him, the way you are there for him when he needs it and how you know when to be funny or when to be serious then cover up! Cover it all up and see the kinds of guys you get. I guarantee you it'll be the guys you actually WANT. Because I can assure you 100% if a guy looks at you that way, he's going to look at EVERY girl that walks around with her shirt low and skirts high. Find a guy who wants you for YOU! Is that not the point of marriage? Or dating?

2. FACEBOOK IS NOT YOUR THERAPIST!!!!! If you want people to know about your problems in life great! You have people you can trust. But posting on facebook about how much a jerk your friend is for stabbing you in the back, and making those snide comments or statuses you think are so smart, and hilarious and the PERFECT revenge is low. You post about how "everyone that talks about me behind my back are so cool and their life must be boring to talk about mine, but that means I have a life". In all honesty, you posting on FACEBOOK about how you have a life and everyone that talks about you doesn't shows that you have no life. You're talking about them to millions of people. About their life. Your drama. When really, you should be getting over it. People are smarter than you give them credit for.

3. Respect is not a privilege it's a right. Everyone no matter what they do to you deserves respect.

4. One up everytime someone asks you to do something. Your mom asks you to clean your room, clean the living room too.

5. Smoking does NOT make you attractive. At all.

6. If you respect yourself, so will everyone else. When you put yourself down, or your work people automatically agree with you in their head. You will be forever pinned as the girl who isn't good enough in her eyes, and therefore becomes unattractive to every walking boy alive. No boy wants to date, and no girl wants to be friends with someone who needs constant pick-me-ups, and constant compliments. It gets old after awhile.

7. YOU ARE NOT FAT! YOU'RE PHAT! *See number 6

8. Saying I don't care what people think about me is like saying you don't care about the number on the scale. It's probably is the biggest lie you'll ever try to convince yourself and others to believe.

9. STOP PLAYING DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT ATTRACTIVE!!! AND IT GETS YOU NOWHERE!!!!!!!! EVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! You don't even know how unattractive playing dumb is!!!! Dumb girls don't own businesses, they don't hold a leadership position, they don't make a lot of money, they don't have a family they can support. SO STOP!!!

10. Never let someone tell you that you're not enough. They can't pull the trigger if you don't hand them the gun.

You don't understand how these ten things could change your life. We spend so much time worrying about our reputation when we shouldn't. Drama, not feeling worthy, or worth anything, being lied to, being cheated, being robbed of a soul is part of life but that doesn't mean you should let it all RUN your life. YOU DO THAT! Not everyone else. Don't hand them the steering wheel to your car of life. Let them be passengers and kick NO ONE out. ARE WE CLEAR?! ;)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Joy of Being Alive

What a blessing this life is! I mean, think about it. Our ancestors had to fight TWO world wars, the korean war, the cold war, the war in vietnam, survive the black plague, not be eaten, beaten, murdered, and live through the Great Depression, and various religious persecutions. We don't even know how lucky we are to be alive and we take that for granted. I read this book called "You Are Special", it's about these wooden people called Wemmicks and they go around giving each other gold stars, and gray dot stickers. Only the talented ones, the tall ones, the funny ones, the ones with unchipped paint, and unscathed wood get the gold stars. The ones that are untalented, short, their paint is chipping and they're missing wood in some places, the ones who do stupid things, and say idiotic things get gray dots. However, there is one girl and she's "just wooden". She has no gray dots, or gold star stickers. She's just her. Why? Because "the stickers don't stick if you don't let them" and "I made you, and I don't make mistakes." Self-explanatory with the deeper meaning. There are so many things to be thankful for, and that we need to see before judging, before looking down on, before giving up on ourselves and others.


"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a perfectly preserved body but rather, to skid in sideways, totally worn out screaming "DANG! What a ride!'"

There will be times when you want to give up, when you feel like everyone is out to get you, and the easiest thing to do it give in. But remember!!!! David was the one who won. Goliath was the one to fall.
