Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Joy of Being Alive

What a blessing this life is! I mean, think about it. Our ancestors had to fight TWO world wars, the korean war, the cold war, the war in vietnam, survive the black plague, not be eaten, beaten, murdered, and live through the Great Depression, and various religious persecutions. We don't even know how lucky we are to be alive and we take that for granted. I read this book called "You Are Special", it's about these wooden people called Wemmicks and they go around giving each other gold stars, and gray dot stickers. Only the talented ones, the tall ones, the funny ones, the ones with unchipped paint, and unscathed wood get the gold stars. The ones that are untalented, short, their paint is chipping and they're missing wood in some places, the ones who do stupid things, and say idiotic things get gray dots. However, there is one girl and she's "just wooden". She has no gray dots, or gold star stickers. She's just her. Why? Because "the stickers don't stick if you don't let them" and "I made you, and I don't make mistakes." Self-explanatory with the deeper meaning. There are so many things to be thankful for, and that we need to see before judging, before looking down on, before giving up on ourselves and others.


"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a perfectly preserved body but rather, to skid in sideways, totally worn out screaming "DANG! What a ride!'"

There will be times when you want to give up, when you feel like everyone is out to get you, and the easiest thing to do it give in. But remember!!!! David was the one who won. Goliath was the one to fall.


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