I am not really all that ready for my best friend of a long time to go off to college. Not only is she starting a new chapter in her life but she's doing it without me and I don't like that. From sleepovers that don't consist of sleeping, celebratory swings after major life events, beach days, tubing, truth or dare, parties, BBQs, birthdays, running laps around our elementary school, prom, playing on the kids gig, our trip to the Great Wolf Lodge, to breakups, fights, screaming, making fun of girls, hating the girl the other one hates even if you don't know them, and so much more. I have always been amazed at the love I feel you Brooke Sydney. You went from weird stranger to friend to best friend to sister in such a short time that as I type this blog post I find myself reliving every moment we've spent together like a recording.

And so, as you enter into this new and exciting part of your novel I want you to know that I love you as a sister. And though we may be 920.92 miles and 16.2 hours physically detached I am but a phone call a train ride, plane ride, car ride, and boat ride away.
And, since this is such a MAJOR event in ones life to go off to college this seems quite necessary:
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