Saturday, November 12, 2011

Journals & Friends

Last night I was looking through my journal from 5th grade, and I found so many things, and oddly learned so much about myself that I did not know. I wrote about boys I liked then, promises that I made to myself, that I subconsciously kept, and things I hated about my day, or things that I thought could have gone better. Journals are a TOTAL stress reliever. On my way home from a movie night with Britt Dickson, and Jessica Bylin, and Taylor Marshall we were talking about journals and Britt said that she has written in hers for 254 days. That is so much! I always wanted to be able to have the self discipline to set aside time and commit to writing in my journal every night but I never came through with it. Sadly. There are so many people that change my life everyday, and are such an influence in my life that sometimes I don't see all of them. Britt Dickson, and Taylor Marshall, Lexie Taylor, and Hannah Nelson, Amie Sabin, Sarah Harper, Mesa Brewer, Lauren Dickson, Malia Kasteler, Claire Bergevin, and sometimes even Abby Zenger are only a few of the WONDERFUL young women in my life that are amazing friends to me, and to everyone around them. They bring such a wonderful light to my life, and really help me to choose the right. They are amazing people, and I wouldn't EVER trade them for anything. :) I love them sooooo much!!! 



  1. ................SAM!!!! Is it sad that I always hands down win at 1-2-3-be-ugly!???

    Dude. Britt is so cool! But I have her beat! I've been going every day since 2009 (:

  2. No. I think that being content with winning at 1-2-3 be ugly and being able to boast about shows a higher level of self appreciation. And that is AMAZING!!! I love you:)
