Sunday, November 13, 2011

Preparing for Change

Today in Young Womens we talked about preparing for change. Sister Fort put a picutre of a caterpillar, a cacoon, and a butterfly. She asked us how this process showed change. Me, being the person I am, gave the long, chest deep in water answer. I told her that "The caterpillar is it's simple form. He is usually one color, and eats nothing but leaves, is small, and walks around the earth as a bland, simple caterpillar. He endures the pain of being this simple form, but knows that one day he will become a beautiful butterfly. The cacoon is his time to reflect upon the life he had, and the life he has ahead of him. The butterfly is complex form. He's gorgeous, and happy with it. He knows that because he is gorgeous he can walk with confidence, and he grew as an animal by being able to endure the life as a caterpillar in order to become the beautiful butterfly he is now." Sister Fort then proceeded to say that if we were to interupt the process of change he would not be able to grow. This is just like us. There are some problems in our lives that we have to face alone with Heavenly Father at our side. When we interupt each other in our processes we can't grow as a person to our full potential like we should, and need to.

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